This year is very important for our school. Teaching English is now possible at our centre.

(Este año es muy importante para nuestro colegio. Enseñar en Inglés ahora es posible en nuestro centro.)

This blog will show us some different activities to our pupils.

(Este blog nos enseñará diferentes actividades a nuestros alumnos).

We hope you like it.
(Esperamos que os guste).

2º E.P.

Hello pupils. Our Christmas song is here.
Congratulations. You sang very well in the school.


What do you want for Christmas?
Annie, oh Annie.
What do you want for Christmas?
Annie, tell me.

I want some rollerskates
Leo, oh Leo.
I want some rollerskates
a watch and a book.

What do you want for Christmas?
Leo, oh Leo.
What do you want for Christmas?
Leo, tell me.

I want a computer game.
Annie, oh Annie.
I want a computer game.
a CD and paints.